perjantai 16. joulukuuta 2011

14. Bontempi Memoplay

4051 8step sequencer with pulse and cv outputs. 3 control inputs to vary the sequence if needed.

maanantai 5. joulukuuta 2011

13. Radiolight


An old traffic lights kit modded to a 3 output sequencer. 4017 is doing the sequencing in this one, original circuit was two traffic lights (green, yellow and red) slightly modded to get more interesting output.

sunnuntai 4. joulukuuta 2011

12. Nurse beats


A drum synth and sequencer using 4000 series logic. 4069 as filter, distortion, mixer, 4046 vco, 40106 doing six oscs modulated with four XOR gates in 4070 for noise. Four 4052 sequencers for 4 drum sounds, each can be slowed down individually.Triggerin
can be 1/step or multiple also outputs triggers (snare,bd) for syncing external stuff. Atari style joysticks can be used as controllers for live playing

11. Ammobox of APC

Ammobox project is one of those projects that allways keep coming back. It was started by me round 10 years ago. I was supposed to build a small modular synthesizer, but only got one astable multivibrator module made. IMG080.jpg Case was a bit overkill for single unit, thought it did look good live, like in this photo at Taidehalli La-bas 2003. taidehalli-labas723.jpg After that ammobox was forgotten to the shelf for couple of years, untill Daniel found it round 2007. He ditched the multivibrators and build Atari Punk Concoles. After that ammobox had 4017 controlling relays giving power to four Atari punk consoles with selectable capacitors. In this form it was used on numerous concerts, installations and recording sessions. At some point it did eventually break, and it was forgotton to the shelv again for couple of years. 2011-11-23-_MG_9550.jpg In 2011 Harri found it, repaired it, and desided to add external clock input, so now it is ready to be used in 101 sequencers project.

torstai 24. marraskuuta 2011

10. 4x2 Channel plexer


two times four in/out and two in/outputs 5 selectable sequences. (two 4052 and a 4520)

keskiviikko 23. marraskuuta 2011

9. Pulse dealer 6


slave sequencer made of 2 4017 and a 4522 dividing controlling each other etc. also 6 different output channels.

maanantai 21. marraskuuta 2011

3-8 Minikoelse

6. sequencers inside minikoelse:
Minikoelse has many functions it´s a sequencer, drum machine and synth all in one. The structure is modular and it has six different sequencers built in to it.
4017 based 5 to 8 step sequenser with two output channels. No AND-gateing in this one. There are two patchable and AND- gates in minikoelse to “shorten” the output pulses, or to add complexity to the sequence.
4017 based 10step sequencer with inputs for reset and inhibit functions and two output cannels (AND gated with the clock signal) reset and inhibit pins are patchable to modulate the sequence.
4052 based sequencer with cv output. Four steps of cv. It has three control inputs A, B (binary inputs of the 4052) and inhibit.
4052 sequencer selecting 3 toy drum sounds and one pulse output.
4051 sequenser selecting 8 traffic toy sounds.
4040 divider with 12 outputs also internally controlling 4522 divide by n counter with 2 outputs .

This project started from a Wilson Laboratories TX 1200 Tape Analyzer Harri found from fleemarket, whitch was taken apart and used as a case. IMG_4350.CR2

sunnuntai 20. marraskuuta 2011

2. sequencer mixer.

Two 4051 sequencers with two outputs for internal use. Sequencers are used to control filters and panning. Also one pulse output from both sequencers for external use. This machine can be used as a mixer, but with feedback connections it can also do synthesis on its own.

perjantai 4. marraskuuta 2011

Sequencer 1

Laser sekvensseri

mechanical and logic combined. A 4015 shift register controlled by the mechanics and 4522 divider outputs go through the mechanical sequencer.


This sequencer was originally build for an exhibition in Malmö 2005. It is a simple mechanical device made out of a motor and a rotary switch. It connects 12 inputs to 1 output. Speed is determined by motor, so there is no possibility to adjust the speed.

Later development:


At some point (round 2006) Ville did add a patchbay to this sequencer, so any input can be patched to any step with alligator grips. Made it more interestng, but still left it quite limited from musicians point of view (it was originally designed for an exhibition, and it did suit that purpose well). Speed is still determined by motor, and there is no way to adjust it.


Latest development:

Since the original mechanics were complitely  broken already, Harri desided to complitely rebuild it. Original rotary switch is replaced by a slotmachine mechanics, so it will propably be more reliable in the future. also it is not purely mechanical anymore, sequencer itself is CMOS based, and it is only triggered by mechanically.

Now we can sync this sequencer with the other sequencers, but still keep some good old mechanical touch to it.


lauantai 29. lokakuuta 2011

101 sequencers

101 sequencers is an ongoing experiment by Association of experimental electronics ( . In this project we build different kinds of sequencers, until we have total 101 variations of the theme. Out of all these sequencers we will build an installation in Gallery 3h­+k in pori next spring.